Saturday, July 31, 2004

More Tetras....

Decided that my five Cardinal tetras needed new friends... so went down to the pet shop near my place and bought two new variety of tetras (2 for each species):
1) Black Neon Tetra
2) Glolite Tetra

An Important Point to take note for Tetras:
Most tetras will fade in colour if they are stressed or uncomfortable with their surroundings, but many lose all their colour at night, which is not a cause for alarm

Some info. on this Fishes...

Black Neon Tetra

Scientific name(s): Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Max size: 4 cm

Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish

Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks

Water quality: neutral to acidic pH, soft to moderate hardness, well filtered

Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America

Comments: A reasonably hardy fish as long as the water is kept clean and well-oxygenated. Will not be happy alone, but a school of four to six fish will suffice. Contented specimens show bright colours including a vivid red eye. Although called the black neon it is related to the neon tetra but is a distinct species not a colour variant.

Glolite Tetra

Scientific name(s): Hemigrammus erythrozonus

Max size: 5 cm

Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish
Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks

Water quality: pH around neutral, up to 7.5 and will tolerate moderately hard water
Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America

Comments: A pretty and peaceful tetra, ideal for planted tanks. it's colour shows of best in a tank with plenty of shading from plants and blackwater extract added.

A Word of Wisdom...

A word of wisdom for all those who find life's trials and tribulations abit too overwhelming....

Monday, July 26, 2004

Fish Tank Upgrade...

Just finished transferring my fishes to their new home.

Found that my current fish tank (more like a small transparent bucket) was not the right size for my tetras....though sufficient for 5 small fishes, but not enuff room to roam bought a 12"x9"x7" glass fish tank w an air pump....cost me ard $22 but worth it...

Also discovered that these fishes lose their red colour when changing their water...but their red glow returns after a few first I thought they were sick....but they were back to their active self...phew ;p 
This means that their red colour is an indicator of their health status...hmmm..

However, now this tank is way big for I have found an excuse to buy "Silver Tetras"....hehe...but maybe next week once these fellas have adjusted to their new home.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

My Neon Tetras...

Yes...I have finally gotten my new found friends...5 of them to be exact...from a fish farm in LimChu Kang....luckily one of my friends brought his was a long long long way inside the ulu place.
Spent the whole evening yesterday setting up my little fish tank with water plants and all...phew...but time enjoyable spent.
They are swimming happily inside their new home....I'm gonna wait for 2 wks before buying a much bigger home for them...I still have this fear of the "2 wks" which my previous fish rearing attempts have lasted.
Gonna get some silver tetras soon...but maybe next week....let these 5 dudes adjust before introducing more pals ^_^
Ok then...enuff of fishes for now...a distraction but a very refreshing one too ;p
Gotta get back to finishing my report....sigh...

Some Info. on Neon Teras...

Well, decided to find out abit about my fishes and post them for everyone's knowledge.

Similar to Neon Tetra...but known as Cardinal tetra.

Scientific name(s): Paracheirodon axelrodi

Max size: 5 cm

Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish

Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks

Water quality: pH acidic to neutral, soft to moderately hard water

Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America

Comments: One of the most brilliantly coloured tetras. Sometimes confused with the neon tetra and green neon, the cardinal tetra has much more red on its body and grows larger. They will display best in a planted tank with plenty of shaded areas.

Suggested foods: A good quality tropical flake or granules, frozen shrimp and worms foods, daphnia.

(Information from Adelaide Aquarium =>

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Rearing Fishes....

I have decided to set up a fish tank in my house. I used to keep 'guppies' during my secondary sch. days but they never survived for more than 2 weeks. Then kept 2 hermit crabs a few yrs back after "discovering" them at a beach in Bintan. They survived for a month ..... without food....amazing rite....
Ok ok I'm sorry for being cruel to crabs!!!
Can't really keep cats or dogs....mum is terrified of them....
Abt 3 months back, my peers at my lab decided to keep 'neon/silver tetras' I decided to help...despite of my past failures to keep fish :(
I'm glad to say that these fishes are surviving and have grown a fair bit. So now I'm confident of starting up my own fish tank at home.
Oh yah, I also found out why my guppies always didn't survive beyond 2 weeks....
1. The water needs to be kept overnight before changing the water
2. White bread is NOT a fish food although fishes seem to love eating it
3. Don't start a exercise regime for the fishes...i.e. don't swirl the water in the fish tank
4. Keep atleast 5-6 fishes...not just ONE or TWO!!!
5. U don't really need air bubbles but water plants are essential...but I kept hydrillas (a kind of water plant oso)
Based on these new found info., I gonna start rearing fish again. Going down to Chu Chu Kang to get them in a few minutes. Also, Rearing fishes has numerous benefits.
1. They don't bark
2. They don't bite
3. They don't have mood swings
4. They always seem to be in peace
5. Men CAN understand them perfectly
6. They will stay by your side till death do us part....usually the fishes will go to the other side first
7. Exactly opposite of WOMEN!!!...yes..this is to all my lady friends which I can't seem to figure out...YET!!!
Ok then, need to go off soon to get my new friends...

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Roller Blading...

I went roller blading with my brother this afternoon.... very tiring....but one good thing...I didn't fall on my butt ;p
I will be goin for more trial sessions before I actually buy a proper one....well my brother will buy it actually...his turn now...
For those interested in picking up this activity, try out this sport before buying a skate....get a basic grasp before u actually commit yourself into buying a good pair of skates.
A 'Good' pair usually costa around $200 plus.