More Tetras....
1) Black Neon Tetra
2) Glolite Tetra
An Important Point to take note for Tetras:

Some info. on this Fishes...
Black Neon Tetra

Scientific name(s): Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
Max size: 4 cm
Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish
Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks
Water quality: neutral to acidic pH, soft to moderate hardness, well filtered
Temperature: 24 to 28°C
Origin: South America
Comments: A reasonably hardy fish as long as the water is kept clean and well-oxygenated. Will not be happy alone, but a school of four to six fish will suffice. Contented specimens show bright colours including a vivid red eye. Although called the black neon it is related to the neon tetra but is a distinct species not a colour variant.
Glolite Tetra

Scientific name(s): Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Max size: 5 cm
Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish
Water quality: pH around neutral, up to 7.5 and will tolerate moderately hard water
Origin: South America
Comments: A pretty and peaceful tetra, ideal for planted tanks. it's colour shows of best in a tank with plenty of shading from plants and blackwater extract added.
(Info. from