Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Rearing Fishes....

I have decided to set up a fish tank in my house. I used to keep 'guppies' during my secondary sch. days but they never survived for more than 2 weeks. Then kept 2 hermit crabs a few yrs back after "discovering" them at a beach in Bintan. They survived for a month ..... without food....amazing rite....
Ok ok I'm sorry for being cruel to crabs!!!
Can't really keep cats or dogs....mum is terrified of them....
Abt 3 months back, my peers at my lab decided to keep 'neon/silver tetras' I decided to help...despite of my past failures to keep fish :(
I'm glad to say that these fishes are surviving and have grown a fair bit. So now I'm confident of starting up my own fish tank at home.
Oh yah, I also found out why my guppies always didn't survive beyond 2 weeks....
1. The water needs to be kept overnight before changing the water
2. White bread is NOT a fish food although fishes seem to love eating it
3. Don't start a exercise regime for the fishes...i.e. don't swirl the water in the fish tank
4. Keep atleast 5-6 fishes...not just ONE or TWO!!!
5. U don't really need air bubbles but water plants are essential...but I kept hydrillas (a kind of water plant oso)
Based on these new found info., I gonna start rearing fish again. Going down to Chu Chu Kang to get them in a few minutes. Also, Rearing fishes has numerous benefits.
1. They don't bark
2. They don't bite
3. They don't have mood swings
4. They always seem to be in peace
5. Men CAN understand them perfectly
6. They will stay by your side till death do us part....usually the fishes will go to the other side first
7. Exactly opposite of WOMEN!!!...yes..this is to all my lady friends which I can't seem to figure out...YET!!!
Ok then, need to go off soon to get my new friends...


Blogger Çhös€ŋ ¹ said...

Woh poo ming pai....can someone please help translate this..."zi fei yu, an zhi u zi le"...thks ^_^

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOO... I dunno... Chinese mayb? I bought 15 guppies at S$2 each. Now only left 8 *.* And i also bought 2 weird fishys... AHhh I need advice!

2:22 PM  
Blogger Çhös€ŋ ¹ said...

Wat advice do u need?..u can ask me on my Baat Chit tag board.

3:00 PM  

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