Thursday, July 22, 2004

Some Info. on Neon Teras...

Well, decided to find out abit about my fishes and post them for everyone's knowledge.

Similar to Neon Tetra...but known as Cardinal tetra.

Scientific name(s): Paracheirodon axelrodi

Max size: 5 cm

Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish

Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks

Water quality: pH acidic to neutral, soft to moderately hard water

Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America

Comments: One of the most brilliantly coloured tetras. Sometimes confused with the neon tetra and green neon, the cardinal tetra has much more red on its body and grows larger. They will display best in a planted tank with plenty of shaded areas.

Suggested foods: A good quality tropical flake or granules, frozen shrimp and worms foods, daphnia.

(Information from Adelaide Aquarium =>


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