Saturday, July 31, 2004

More Tetras....

Decided that my five Cardinal tetras needed new friends... so went down to the pet shop near my place and bought two new variety of tetras (2 for each species):
1) Black Neon Tetra
2) Glolite Tetra

An Important Point to take note for Tetras:
Most tetras will fade in colour if they are stressed or uncomfortable with their surroundings, but many lose all their colour at night, which is not a cause for alarm

Some info. on this Fishes...

Black Neon Tetra

Scientific name(s): Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Max size: 4 cm

Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish

Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks

Water quality: neutral to acidic pH, soft to moderate hardness, well filtered

Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America

Comments: A reasonably hardy fish as long as the water is kept clean and well-oxygenated. Will not be happy alone, but a school of four to six fish will suffice. Contented specimens show bright colours including a vivid red eye. Although called the black neon it is related to the neon tetra but is a distinct species not a colour variant.

Glolite Tetra

Scientific name(s): Hemigrammus erythrozonus

Max size: 5 cm

Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish
Suggested for: Community tanks with small to medium sized community fish, planted tanks

Water quality: pH around neutral, up to 7.5 and will tolerate moderately hard water
Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America

Comments: A pretty and peaceful tetra, ideal for planted tanks. it's colour shows of best in a tank with plenty of shading from plants and blackwater extract added.


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