Thursday, October 28, 2004


Yes!!! The presentation was a success
The presentation went well...I didn't fumble up anything....said what I wanted to say and conveyed the message which I wanted to convey. I was asked quite a bit of questions but I managed to answer all of them well. But in the end, I am more aware of my research. Even after the presentation, I was still talking to my examiners abt some issues in my research (tat is after they had told me tat I had passed my confirmation). Anyway, the first examiner knew me while the second barely recognized me eventhough both had taught me before durin my undergrad. until the first examiner mentioned my undergrad course...then the second examiner started to say "no wonder u look familiar"....DUH!!!

But this success was not mine alone...I have to thank my supervisors too for their patience, guidance and understanding in my research endeavours. Special thanks also goes out to my friends who helped in correctin my slides and those who came to my presentation to support me...Thanks alot guys!

Ok then, I'm gonna have a good head is achin abit...

It's Showtime today!!!

Well, it's showtime today where I will present my research work to my examiners...its at 15.30....3 more hours to go....all rearing to go and win the battle ^_^ So in the meantime, why not update my blop ;p

Well, this journey has been a long and ardous started from the day I started my was never the same again...My aim in Life became onie one thing....get over this 1st yr confirmation...tat is my main goal now.

Writing of report, making ammendments, preparing presentation slides, making ammendments, etc. (Note: these ammendments I'm referring to r my countless proof checks before even submitting to my supervisors). The good thing... I only had 1 draft followed by the final report.... However, tat was not the case for the presentation slides...I had a few drafts for those despite of my countless proof checks. But its only made my material much much comprehensive. Dono abt the presentation yet but that was evident for my report based on my examiners comments that received. Will onie noe how "comprehensive" my presentation was after 15.30.

Well, I guess I'm gonna take a short nap first despite sleeping longer than usual last night. Till then, I can only wait... and pray for success ofcourse...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Judgement Day

Just received a mail from the office regarding my presentation date.....I have 9 days to prepare for my presentation... AIYAAAHHHHH ... no wonder my sup kept pressing me to finish my presentation slides rite after my report submission despite me tellin him tat I want to do it after my exams. ...and lucky I listened to him

Time to prepare for judgement day.... JIAYOUUUU

Monday, October 18, 2004

Examiner's Comments

Just got my examiners' comments on the report I submitted a few wks back. Phew...there were no ammendments to be made and they were quite satisfied with the report

Only concerns were for the scope and future works. Now I have to start preparing for my presentation (a.k.a. judgement day) plus complete my subject report plus prepare for my exams... so little time and so much to always

Saturday, October 16, 2004

My fishes...a month later

Below are the before and after pictures of my fishes... Note the size of the angelfishes with the neon tetras...

(Picture taken on 10 September 2004)

(Picture taken on 16 October 2004)
(Can u distinguish the angelfishes with their younger day images...note their black streaks and other prominent features)

When I first got them, the angelfishes looked very very cute...and blur...they were swimmin but in a very blur like they are very alert and focused....especially durin feedin time

Since I first got them, they sure have grown quite abit. My friend had advised me not to feed them too much as they will grow very fast...well I did follow his advice but still, their growth rate is quite fast.

The neon tetras have grown but it is not as accelerated as the angelfishes. Neon tetras will most probably grow 1 1/2 times more....but not as big...they might become "food" when the angelfishes reach their full size...I just hope that these 2 spieces of fish can live harmoniously...even when the angelfish becomes large (3 times larger than the current size)... guess only time will tell

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Puasa Time.....

Yes...its that time of the year where all muslims fast....

Some Info. on Fasting...

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. It is during this month that Muslims fast and this lasts the entire month. Muslims get up early for suhoor, a meal eaten before the sun rises. After the sun sets, the fast is broken with a meal known as iftar. Iftar usually begins with dates and sweet drinks that provide a quick energy boost. This cycle is then repeated the next morning.

During the Fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed on the daily lives of Muslims. They are not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting.

Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, Muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor. Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind.

Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr. At Eid-ul-Fitr, people dress in their finest clothes, adorn their homes with lights and decorations, and enjoy visits with friends and family.

I really love this month cos I can skip lunch and lose weight...just kidding abt the skippin lunch. Actually, in this month, u can actually lose weight provided u don't eat excessive food during iftar but it is vital to have a proper meal during suhoor so that u can have energy for the day. However, fasting does not mean that u can be excused to do less work...infact, daily activities should remain the same.

Well, Happy fasting to all my muslim friends and for my non-muslim friends, u could give fasting a try and see if it benefits yr health

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Which is the cutest one of them all?

______The Original Version_________The Mohawk Version____

______The Lion Version_____________The Afro Version______

____The Shocked Version_________The Teary-eyed Version____

_____The Baby Version______________The Kool Version______

So cast your vote now!!!

Which is the cutest one of all?
Original Cute Kitten
Teary-eyed Kitten
Shocked Kitten
Baby Kitten
Lion Kitten
Mohawk Kitten
Kool Kitten
Afro Kitten

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