Saturday, October 16, 2004

My fishes...a month later

Below are the before and after pictures of my fishes... Note the size of the angelfishes with the neon tetras...

(Picture taken on 10 September 2004)

(Picture taken on 16 October 2004)
(Can u distinguish the angelfishes with their younger day images...note their black streaks and other prominent features)

When I first got them, the angelfishes looked very very cute...and blur...they were swimmin but in a very blur like they are very alert and focused....especially durin feedin time

Since I first got them, they sure have grown quite abit. My friend had advised me not to feed them too much as they will grow very fast...well I did follow his advice but still, their growth rate is quite fast.

The neon tetras have grown but it is not as accelerated as the angelfishes. Neon tetras will most probably grow 1 1/2 times more....but not as big...they might become "food" when the angelfishes reach their full size...I just hope that these 2 spieces of fish can live harmoniously...even when the angelfish becomes large (3 times larger than the current size)... guess only time will tell


Blogger Çhös€ŋ ¹ said...

FP and FC do look quite alike...but FC can be distinguished by his ears yah...

1:50 PM  

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