Sunday, March 26, 2006

Some advise from my senior

Well been havin several self-doubts abt my own capabilities in research.... supervisors seem not so impressed with my work... been workin my ass off but they don't always pay off. This translates into supervisors thinkin tat I ain't puttin in enough effort but which is not true in reality. Furthermore, die die gotta settle my research stuffs by this year by hook or by crook!!!

Ideas which I bring up are sometimes sidelined into being not so critical and trivial issues..... which is very untrue.... yes it may be a trivial problem but tat doesn't mean that their solutions are easy and trivial too! Infact it can take quite a fair bit of time to solve them!!!! Surely they must have gone through this stage rite?? But my supervisors have been very patient with me nonetheless.

Was passing by my lab when I saw a senior who had just graduated. Well we are in the same field but different focus. He has completed his studies and many of us have looked up on him as an inspiration (yes Joey, I am talkin abt U... haha). Well, I wanted to ask him abt some administrative issues but in the end, ended up discussin abt the challenges he faced during his studies. From this discussion, I learnt a few things:

Don't get concerned tat others have published so many papers cos tat is not the inportant thing... their field might be just carrying out investigations and publishing papers. My field is different as in I do developmental work to prove my concept. It is not as simple as setting up an experiment & running experiments. Papers are not critical at this stage for people like us.

After two years into one's research, you should be able to know the direction to be heading and the issues to tackle. You should be more knowledgeable than your supervisors. Many a times they will doubt or sideline yr ideas, but you gotta be confident. Come prepared with some hard facts and convince them. This is a training to convince others of your work as well! What better way to start than with your supervisors.

Many a times, things will seem impossible and you will face obstacles from all sides. You will feel like giving up but never ever GIVE UP. Keep perservering cos this is the main skill to be learnt from doing a PhD. To believe in yr work no matter what and keep pushing for it to be a success. Tat will SURELY make it a success.

Well, these are the main things I have to keep reminding myself time & time again. Thanks Joey for tat pep talk. Really appreciate it. Although beaten badly at this point, but I ain't out of the race. I WILL SUCCEED SURELY!!!


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