Monday, March 20, 2006

You just gotta have faith

Yesterday, I went for a sermon and as always, I will try to pay attention but somehow, I could never have 100% attention all the time. At some time, my mind will start to drift off but will always start to pay attention once I discover I have gone off to 'lala' land. However, after yesterday's sermon, I decided to pen this down so that whenever I am feeling down, I will read this and recharge my spirits.

(This is just my personal opinion)

Yesterday, during the sermon, we were reminded to have one main thing..... To ALWAYS have Faith in God. No matter how bad things may get, there is always something good behind it. Sometimes, I myself admit that when things go bad, I ask myself "Why did this happen to me? Why?". But doing this is actually futile. One should look at the situation, learn from the mistakes, appreciate that it could have been worse, and most importantly, move on as fast as possible with minimal period of regret and sadness.

In addition, Our prophet and their successors went through so much hardship in order to uphold the belief of our religion. Though we were never there during that time to witness their sacrifices personally, we are constantly reminded of these sacrifices during the sermons. From this, there is also another lesson to take note: No matter how bad the situation or our suffering may seem, it is NOTHING compared to what our prophet & their successors had to endure. They did this for us (many many future generations) without hesitation and with great faith in God. I always remind myself that whatever challenges I may face in the future, I must always remember their sacrifices and take them as an inspiration to overcome my own hardships.

Well, one just gotta have Faith and let the angels help us along the way . Then life will seem much much more wonderful & beautiful.


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