Saturday, February 25, 2006

Asian Aerospace 2006

Today I went to the last Asian Aerospace 2006 to be held here in Singapore. It will be shifting to Hong Kong after this. Thanks to BB, we got complimentary tickets! THANK YOU BB!

We all met up at 9am at Pasir Ris MRT. The crowd was still small and boarding of the shuttle bus to AA06 was smooth. We arrived at AA06 at last after 1 hr from boarding the bus at Pasir Ris MRT and the stringent security screening. Better safe than sorry. To all the security personnel there, a big thanks for your efforts to keep the place safe & sound.

Ok... the AA06 was not too fantastic for me.... firstly, several of the booths at the trade halls were closed and those that were open, most of them were sooo bloody stingy in giving souveniers esp. the collar pins. Some of them would just say they only have souveniers for kids. To top it off, the personnel giving the soveniers had the cheek to openly trade pins with people from other booths when they just told the public that they had no more pins!!! So what the bloody hell are you doing at the souvenier booth? To collect the pins for yourself so that you can trade with others? Bloody ass&^%$#! So with regards to that, AA06 was totally unsatisfactory.

With regards to the aerial display, it was not too fantastic either, except for the F-15 and the eagerly awaiting Airbus A380. Only those two aerial dsiplay were worthwhile. The others were just so-so.

With regards to the static display, if you are not a fan of static display, then the internet would give you a much better information and images than AA06. Only several of the planes allowed people to sit in the cockpit. Most of them were just viewing from afar. For me, the static displays were quite alright cos you get to see the real thing and get a feel for yourself just how huge and magnificent these man-made inventions are. Simply amazing!

So if you are gonna spend money to go see AA06, don't expect it to be yr money's worth. Luckily I had good company to be with and got a complimentary ticket... so it was on the whole a good time out with friends :)

So for the AA06, I will give it 4.5 out of 10, mainly because I had good company...else it will just be 2 out of 10.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Never go for a run if u feel like

I would like to share an experience which I donot want any runners to go through.

This evening, I wanted to go for a run. However I was feeling abit of doing 'BIG business' aka shit lah. I tot since the urge was not so bad, go for a run first then can return and shit.

Everything was ok when I started my run. However, halfway through, my stomach started grumbling and felt the urge to shit. The worse part was when I ran faster to reach the end fast, it felt like my ass was gonna give up on me so had to stop!! As a result, I had to walk slowly and jog a while and walk again and jog a while... until I reached the end...aka damn TOILET!! BTW, no proper toilets along the joggin route. Strangely, I had perspired more.

Moral of the story:

Friday, February 17, 2006

BSA 2005

Today, I had won the Best Student Award. Well this was a pleasant suprise to me cos I never expected to win although I knew I had been nominated. However, due to the past event that occurred, a part of me is still mourning for the loss.

This ongoing journey has never been easy and I don't expect this to be at all. As I always look at it, "Great things come after putting in Great effort".

Sometimes, I always doubt if I have put in great effort cos it depends on how one looks at it. Will your great effort means a balanced life in terms of work and play, or does it mean just working 24/7? If it is the former, then you have never spent 100% of your time on work...but this means your life is more balanced. If it is the latter, you put in 100% of your time into work, but at the cost of neglecting people close to you.... your family and friends.

Each with his own decision.... but always make it based on good intentions.

I have always chosen the former cos you never know when your time on Earth is up. So its best to have a balanced life every single day that you breathe.

So make the best of your time here on Earth EVERYDAY.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I had no choice... It had to be done

Today I had to do something which I really never never ever wanted to do...but I was left with no choice. I made this decision sometime back but due to certain considerations for B, I told B the decision today. This decision was very very hard and tough to make but it is for the best for us. If we carried on, both of us would suffer so it is best we parted our ways now, then to part later on which would have beeen even more difficult.

I am truly very very sorry B. I know this will hurt you now but it is for our best. You will never know how much this pains me and it will hurt me for days to come. But it had to be done :(

Life always puts us in difficult situations and we have to face these situations. We also have to make difficult but the Right choices. If we don't, then we will never succeed in this game called 'Life'.

"The Right Choice is always the one made with Good Intentions."

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Housewarming Lunch...

I went to my friend's housewarming tdy. This was the first time a Chinese friend actually invited me for such events. She also went to the extent of getting 'Halal' food for the lunch. To add to the festive mood, we even had the CNY 'Tossing of Salad' event, with 'Halal' ingredient ofcourse. This was the first time I actually participated in this tossing event, eventhough I had witnessed it many many times in TV. Its so much fun doing it...hahahaha

Ok, abit on this tossing event, also known as 'Yusheng'.
It is a custom for families and friends to gather around the table and, on cue, proceeding to toss the shredded ingedients into the air with chopsticks while saying auspicious wishes out loud. The wishes my friends made was to win 10 million dollars, Don't ask me why!!! Hahahaha....

Each salad ingredient is selected based on its name which is a homophone of words like prosperity, abundance, etc. Typical ingredients include fresh salmon, daikon (white radish), carrot, red pepper (capsicum), ginger, kaffir lime leaves, chinese parsley, chopped peanuts, toasted sesame seeds, Chinese shrimp crackers (or fried dried shrimp), five spice powder. The dressing is made primarily from plum sauce. However, since afew of us don't eat raw fish, we separated a portion. They then added the raw fish after the first tossing and did a re-toss.

Apparently, this is only practised in Singapore & Malaysia, as I have been told.

Also, today (which is the seventh day) is known as the common man's birthday, the day when everyone grows one year older.

It was a very enjoyable day and I really appreciated her hospitality. Thanks J!!!