Tuesday, August 09, 2005

National Day Parade

Just returned from NDP 05. It was fun goin to NDP after 5 or more so years. It was indeed a smart move on the organizers to give out the tickets through e-balloting... it was horrible before that especially the kiasu people who started lining up 2-3 days before.... super KIASU!!!

We reached the Padang ard 5pm and everything was alright. There was no rush whatsoever. Seating was done is an orderly fashion and since it was in the Padang, with the temporary seating structure, this meant that there were enough seats based on the no. of tickets given out. But if it was the national stadium, this will be a much different story... as some people have super LARGE butts (or shall I say even their bags have a seat also... haizzz)... u will understand when u happen to go for ndp at national stadium.

Show started ard 5.30pm but before that, it was the 2 hosts (Gurmit and Sharon) trying to keep people entertained. The performance was very nice but I found the fireworks abit disappointing. Last years' was much more grand and interesting. But I can understand why because fireworks were held at all 5 venues. So quantity increase, quality must decrease mah.

It was also the first time where the Singapore wave was attempted... not very smooth but very fun nonetheless. With the celebation mood, even if u r the reserved and quiet type, with the other people around cheering and shouting, u too will join in the fun. This was indeed the most relaxed and calm NDP I have gone to. Hopefully, next year I'll be lucky again to go for NDP.


Blogger Çhös€ŋ ¹ said...

Thks Viineon for spotting the error...changed it ;p

10:43 AM  

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