Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Since the past few months, I had been having a problem of swollen gums near my lower right wisdom tooth. Everytime I ate something hard and if the gums covering my wisdom tooth got crushed in the process, it would become swollen and would take a few days to become alright. In addition, because the gum was partially covering it, food would easily get stuck and had a hard time removing it everytime. Hence, it was time to see the dentist to resolve this issue before it lead to bigger problems and today was the day!!!

Went to the dentist below my block and waited patiently for my turn. When my turn came, I was slightly nervous...hey...I never extracted a good tooth in my life before so ofcourse I was apprehensive lah. Teeth that came out before were all baby tooth...

I was injected with anesthetics near my gums and after a few minutes, the procedure began. The dentist pulled out my tooth even before I knew it (in a matter of seconds!!!) although I felt like someone was trying to pull out my whole jaw, and placed my 'wisdom' tooth on the tray. Imagine the shock I got when I saw was sooooo HUGE and even the dentist said so...I then took my huge wisdom tooth and got strict orders from my dentist to rest till end of this week.

Then something strange dentist told me 'two tooth left'...In my mind, I was thinking 'Huh??? But u only pulled out 1 tooth so there should be 3 left mah?' Then after a while, my mind encoded the message 'CHEW FOOD LEFT!'...hahaha...must be the efects of the anesthetics and the shock of the whole tooth extraction process.

Well, even as I'm writing this blog, the effects of the anesthetics is wearing off and the pain is increasing....ouch...ouch...ouch...time to take the antibiotics and painkillers.


Blogger Çhös€ŋ ¹ said...

It bleed near the affected gum till next morning cos u pull the tooth from the root so the gums need to heal. Now its ok.

$120... but my dentist was very good...super fast and u don't feel a thing... lemme noe if u want the contacts.

6:46 PM  

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