Monday, May 09, 2005

I was too late

After doing some research yesterday, I learnt that female angel fishes lay eggs and the male would fertile them...all this had to be done within 2 hrs of the egg being laid or else the eggs will go bad (they will turn opaque white)... which happened in my case...felt so saaaddddd when I cleared away the dead eggs but hey, atleast now I found out which one was the female.

I also found out that it is very hard to distinguish between the male and female. One of my 'fish expert' friend told me that males have a small and sharp protruison near their 'anus' while the female would have a blunt protrusion at the 'anus' when it is about to lay the eggs. I still can't figure it out. However, info. on the net suggests that the onie way to tell is when they pair up and when they go thru the hatchin and fertilizing process. Sometimes, you can even wrongly pair up 2 females as the breeding pair!

Time to find out the 'alpha' male or males! Hmmm...wat was the sex of the fish hat I placed at my lab aquarium? Time to find out!!!


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