Sunday, May 08, 2005

My 'Angel' layed eggs .

For the past few days, my angel fishes had been acting strangely. It seems that two of them were constantly head butting the other two angel fishes. I thought that since all of them had grown soooo big, they were fightin for 'water' space. So as a result, I took away one angelfish (the second largest) and placed it at the aquarium at my lab. Even then, the fightin never stopped. Now, the smallest one was being attacked so I had no choice but to isolate the smallest one and put it in another large contained for it to heal its wounds.

I then asked my friends (those fish enthusiasts) and one of them said that they were probably fightin for space while another told me that they may be mating. MATING!!! I thought 'Omigod...I chin chai set up an aquarium w just one air pump and regularly maintained it....and still they wanted to mate although I didn't really bother abt the water ph. Yeah way that this can be true...boy did I get a super shock a few days later which is today!!!

Yesterday, as I felt that the isolated fish was in better condition now, I thought of introducing it back into the main tank. However, once I put it in, the other two kept attacking it. Damn it...they are still in this attacking I removed one of the attacking fish. So when I went to fed the fishes this moring, I got a SHCKO when I saw transparent yellowish eggs on the side of the temporary tank with the isolated fish. At first I thought that they may be mosquito eggs... but how can they eggs be arranged so neatly and in the lower half of the contained... and even if they were, the fish would have eaten it... It then dawned on me that the fish had layed eggs!!!!

Time to do more research on this......


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