Thursday, November 04, 2004

Its finally over...for now that is ;p

Just finished givin my module exam yesterday. The paper was ok....will only noe how well I did when the results are out. Anyway, I'm just so relieved that I can finally rest my "engine" for a has been running overtime and non-stop for a long time... need to give it a good rest before carryin on with the next phase of research and LIFE!!!

Anyway, to all my friends who are still in this process, "Jia You" and for those who have finished, take a good rest and get back to work once u have rested!!! Don't get into that trap of complacency and procrastination.


Blogger Çhös€ŋ ¹ said...

YE, don't worry...yr big day will come next week and u will ace it...I just noe it ;p

For now, just jiayou and produce a superb presentation yah. Practise...Practise..Practise...if u need any assistance to go through yr presentation slides, just let me noe and I'll be there to help:)

12:43 PM  

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