Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My Desaru Trip

On 24th June 2005, my family and I left for Tanah Merah ferry terminal to catch the 12pm ferry ride to Sebana Cove. The ferry ride took abt an hour and after reaching Sebana, the ride to the hotel took another 1/2 hr (ride courtesy of the hotel of course). At 2pm, we finally reached our destination (Well, if u still haven't figured out my final destination, READ THE TITLE!!!)... Golden Desaru Beach Hotel, in Desaru, Malaysia.

(Courtesy of

Although check-in time was 3pm, we checked in straight away since the room was ready. The family room was quite decent with 2 small beds and a large bed, a fridge, a TV and coffee/tea making facilities (i.e. a boiling kettle and packets of tea, coffee, sugar and creamer)... what u see in the websites is what u get.... no tricks or gimmicks. The hotel is decent (although it is in dire need of regular maintenance) and the staff are very friendly & helpful.

Daily breakfast is included but be warned that buffets are available when there are sufficient guests...else it is ala carte... so if u are the buffet hunters, best time to go is the weekends. Well I enjoyed both the buffet and ala carte style cos I stayed from Friday to Tuesday ;p The breakfast menu is mainly the traditional food items like nasi lemak, western breakfast, roti prata, cereals, etc...However, if you are eating lunch and dinner, it is quite expensive despite of giving all guests a 20% discount coupon...duh!!! I guess the only speciality in the cafe (called Sunrise Cafe) was the nasi lemak... other than the usual items in a nasi lemak, it had 2 prawns and a chicken piece.

A short walk away, there is another restaurant called Medan Selera Desa. The prices are very decent (4 times cheaper actually) and food is quite ok as well, although the place is non-airconditioned... hey u can't have everything rite!!!

There is not much to see and do at Desaru except enjoying the sun. sand and the sea. There is a nearby town called Bandar Penawar and a few other places of interest... but not that interesting anyway. Nearby the hotel was a go-kart and all-terrain-vehicle track. Price was RM25 for 15 mins (but u can ride for 20 mins if there is no one after u) and it is quite fun and exhilarating for first timers. After a few rounds, u will get bored.. also make sure that u r not riding the track alone...that is super BORING!!! Make sure u have competitors...tat will be super FUN!!! Lucky my brother was with me so we raced each other and ultimately 'injured' ourselves as we sped around the race course and did all sort of stunts on the humps and stuffs... OUCH OUCH but super worth it!!!

In the night, it becomes pitch black in the beach.... no light whatsoever except from the nearby hotels and the main road. One more thing... there are lotsa flies where ever u go so bewarned... insect repellent will not help.

Returned home on 28th June 05'. Overall, this trip was relaxing and recharging. Do visit Desaru if u can

Friday, June 03, 2005

Personality Tests...

Visit to take some personality tests.
U tell me if the tests are accurate.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

All the eggs were gone!!!!!

When I returned home from school, I was shocked to see none of the eggs that were layed by my anglefish... what the F@#K! The angelfish ate them up...arrggghhh... not goin to bother about breeding angelfish for now... need to concentrate on my research and build my prototype.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My anglefish layed eggs again!!!!

When I went to my fish tank this morning, I got a huge shock and anglefish layed eggs...on the fish tank walls (although I left a slanted piece for them to lay eggs as the bellies of the female had become huge).... but unlike the previous case, both the male and female were in the same I hope that atleast this time, the eggs will be fertillized and hatch.

Actually, since the last 'accidental' attempt to breed, I had not thought much about creating a conducive envt. for the fishes to breed...I had sort of given up hope of breeding them... just left it to nature... if they breed, good for me... if not, then its alright too.. but in the back of my mind, I was hopin they would breed again ;p

Also, before this, the male anglefish was very aggressive and kept biting the tail fo the female. After consulting with my 'fish expert' friend, he told me tat maybe the male didn't want this female as his breeding partner and I quarantined the male for the past 2 wks. Then when I put him back into the main tank, he kept biting the female again...but this time, I decided to leave it as it is... no more quarantine as I had no space to keep them separated!!

Initially, I had 4 fishes...but a month back, I had to give away one (that fish turned out to be female) the 'anglefish war' started suspecting that the tank was too crowded. Now I'm left with 2 female and a male. As one of the female had its tail badly bitten off, I separated and kept it in another tank to recover... afraid I'm gonna have to give it away also... really havin space constraints... will just keep 1 male and female... and not worry too much abt breeding.

Anyone interested in havin a female anglefish for free??

Star Wars III

WARNING!!! If u haven't watched Star Wars 3... DON'T READ THIS YET!!!

Just watched Star Wars 3 yesterday night... not a really huge fan but I keep updated on the Star Wars saga. A really good movie w great special effects that nicely linked up Episodes 4-6 with 1-3. Now I noe how Annakin Skywalker became Darth Vader.

Although, there is 1 teeny weeny part I can't seem to make sense out of.... how come Annakin so easily succumbed to the powers on the Sith... I mean yah sure he has his fears of losing his wife and the dark force supposedly had a way of saving lives... but hey, he also knew of the danger of the dark side when he 'pautoed' to the Jedis abt the Sith Lord's identity (I'm referring to the particular scene where he intercepted the Sith Lord from being killed). So instead of repenting for his mistakes... he joined the dark side... ermm... doesn't make much sense to me anyway. This implies tat Obi-One Kanobi didn't teach him well enuff into the ways of the Jedi.

Well, if u have any explanations on this particular scene, I would most welcome pondering thru yr ideas.