Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Fresh new start

Its time to have another shot at rearing fishes...despite my previous failures....through my failures, I have learnt a few things....

It seems that I made a few fatal errors...

Error 1:
I cared for the fishes too much such that frequent water change was actually bad for them.
The water may look yellow and dirty but it is OK for the fishes.

Error 2:
Always quarantine newly acquired fishes and keep them in a separate tank for two weeks to ensure that they are OK before introducing them into the main tank and risking full infection without any quarantine (which is EXACTLY what happened in my previous attempt ).

Error 3:
After a water change, DON'T feed the fishes....feed them a day later .
Well, there is a reason for it....after a water change, the fishes usually need time to adapt to their new environment and are not hungry..so the food simply causes the water to become more dirty and increase the risk of infections.

So this Saturday, my friend is gonna get me silver tetras ..I think.....yes....tetras again but with some shrimps...it seems that they help to keep the bacterial balance in the water....so I've been told .

Actually, another friend offered me recently hatched angel fishes (abt the size of a pin head) ...but I told him not at this moment...maybe once they are abit bigger, say the size of a 1 cent coin (that will take about a month), then I'll take them, provided my tetras are surviving.

Well, gotta go and prepare my fish tank for the arrival of the new occupants on Saturday....so wish me luck


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