Thursday, March 31, 2005

Assistive Technology Invention Competition...

I went to present my invention for the Assistive Technology Invention Competition today. It is organized by the Society for the Physically Disabled....the first of such a competition to be held. It was basically a modification of my research work that can be used to assist disabled people (i.e. upper limb prostheses) who have lost their upper limbs.

Presentation preparation was a piece of cake but I really hope that the judges were impressed with the novel design that I presented. Well, no one has ever done it before so it really is a novel design with better performance than existing devices.

Judges looked impressed but looks can be deceiveing as I have learnt...but who knows...I might win....or I might not....I'm wishing for the former situation ;p

There were abt 20 teams- 12 student teams and 8 open category teams (i.e. from the industry), but didn't get a chance to see all the inventions...just a few and they were mainly wheelchair modifications.

Well, I gave my best today and I must and will win!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Women are not meant to be understood, they are only meant to be loved...

A friend and I were recently discussing about something important and wonderful in our lives...u guessed it rite...WOMEN!!!

Having interacted with the women in our lives, being it our mom, sisters, lady friends, girlfriend, wife, etc., we feel that they can never truly be understood. It seems that there are no common traits between any two women. Each of them are governed by their own 'operating system' sorta speak. Even when u sorta believed to have figured one out, this discovery doesn't work on another women.

I'm not claiming that all men are the same, but we do have some similarities among us (not all, but most of us).

No matter how hard we try to understand them and when u thought u had FINALLY understood them, the next incident will disclaim all your hypotheses. Women are without a doubt the other piece which completes our lives, so in the end, we came to this conclusion....
Women are not meant to be understood,
they are only meant to be Lved.
So stop trying to figure them out.
p.s. Do post your thoughts/comments/experiences and take the poll regarding this conclusion.