Monday, December 26, 2011

Some advises which should be reminded time to time...

Its been a long time since my last blog so decided to write about a sermon I recently attended. Here are the main points:

Attaining knowledge and practising it in daily life:
Attaining knowledge is very beneficial but its useless if you don't practise, or worse still, if you practise blindly without knowing the reasons. So apply what you learn in yr daily lives sensibly (not blindly).

Blind Faith on our 'Dai':
The lecturer gave an analogy of someone having a diseased body part and in order for whole body to survive, you have to cut that part off eventhough it is painful at that moment. It may seem difficult at first to follow but once u have done it, it will bring benefit to u.
(Personally, I think that fella was indirectly saying 'dont question what they ask us to do'.)

There will come a time when everything will make sense:
The lecturer talked abt certain things which we do in our lives (based on elder's advise, teachers, etc.) but it just doesn't make sense at that moment. He made analogy to the birth of a baby where in the womb, the baby doesn't need mouth, ears, nose, hands, etc. But once he is born, all these things become useful. So similarly, the good thing we do in this world will benefit our soul when we move on to the next 'world' after death, eventhough we don't see the benefit or purpose of doing it at this moment.

Don't lose all yr good deeds w just one bad deed:
Bad habits like complaining, gossiping, etc. will make you lose all the value of the good deeds that you have built up so far.

Till next time, I hope this will make sense and serve as a casual reminder to live a better life.