Monday, May 15, 2006

Twenty Ways To Being Happy...

1) Believe there is calmness at the centre of all of us.

2) Know that the mind is peaceful until made to be otherwise.

3) Believe you have the right to be happy.

4) Realize that every feeling you have is preceded by a thought.

5) Be aware of the bewildering array of ego pursuits that surround us.

6) Work to be around positive people.

7) Know that you were created to be content.

8) Know that nothing has to go right for you to be at peace.

9) Remember that there are no permanent mistakes.

10) Take others as they are. Help when a way to help is clear. See innocence in mistakes.

11) Remember that haste makes unhappiness. Give yourself more time to do things.

12) Start identifying people and places that cause unhappiness.

13) Avoid working to defeat people who disagree with you.

14) Forgive. Know that to forgive you need do nothing, it is an act of the heart, not the body. Let go, give up, cease to harbor.

15) Know that when any judgmental train of thought ends, the damage it caused to the mind ends with it.

16) Try to look upon the world the way we allow ourselves to look at a child.

17) Work to enjoy the present.

18) Realise that everyone has the key to being content but few use it. The key is our undeveloped mental focus.

19) Avoid the world motto "do little and expect much". Trade it in for "work hard but expect very little".

20) Remember that a gentle vision makes a more gentle world.

By Kathleen Whitmer

Monday, May 08, 2006

Live the Present!!!

When u first read this, some of u may understand this straightaway, but for some, this may be 'HUH?? Wat do u mean Live the present?'. Trust me! Even I was once in the latter category.

Well my very very very good friend Z recently Re-told me not to think so much cos I will miss out on enjoyin the present. She told me that she doesn't think too much (infact she said she doesn't think at all.. yeah rite. Then how come she is so smart?) The strange thing is I didn't get what she was trying to hint when she mentioned the first time, considering I had recently read a book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie, a few months back. Sigh!!!

But when she told me this yesterday, I suddenly realized what she was trying to tell me. Recently, I have been having alot of worries for the future. How will things turn out? What kinda plans should I have ready to counter these suprise events tat may crop up at the wrong time? Am I doing things right? Etc...Etc...

And through this, my relationship with my loved ones was also being affected. I am always looking out for them, protecting them from mishaps by preventing them from doing certain things & unknowingly robbing them of their experiences. I have gone through several hard knocks and always achieving my goals thru hardwork. I have learnt to 'learn & improvise thru observations'. I was thinking of giving my oved ones a helping hand but this might cause them harm if I overdo it.

Time has come to reread "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" and LIVE THE PRESENT!!

Wish me success in achieving this. Thanks Z. U r the bestest in the whole wide world!